DESIS Students is a network designed to create a favourable environment for students to connect at a national and international level. The idea for this project came from experiences at the UFRJ Rio DESIS Lab, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), where students were invited to propose projects and initiatives by themselves, with the support of their professors.
The DESIS Students proposes an amplification of this movement, calling the students to join the initiative and share their thoughts, dreams and expectations about Design. The initiative is developed to be a continuous activity of DESIS Network – but with its specific process and results!
In this spirit, we would like to extend the invitation to all Design students around the globe, from undergrad to PhD, to be part of this collaborative movement, where students are seen as proactive agents of transformative change.
It doesn’t matter where you are, which languages you speak or which educational level you have (or haven’t). As long as you’re keen to build a workspace based on trust, collaboration and mutual learning, you’re welcomed here.


Ingrid Bico
Founder & Community Builder

Matheus Ventura
Founder & Technologies Expert

Enzo Esberard
Graphic Design Wizard & Special Projects Advisor

Morgan Martino
Community Builder & Events Facilitator

Talking Thoughts
The “Talking Thoughts” project is a series of interviews
with Design students around the world.

Design Challenge
The Design Challenges are events based on using the Design (theories and methods) to instrument and teach students to identify opportunities for social action and the many different ways to act on them.
Be a part of this student-centered initiative, share your ideas and help amplify the movement! By joining the DESIS Students you will interact with people from all over the world (wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend in each country???) and have the chance to develop new skills, learn different languages and more importantly: create real connections with people who (probably) like to talk about Design as much as you do!
We have many ongoing projects within the network, so you can join us and be a part of one of them! But that is not the only way to participate: you can also propose a project, and we’ll give the support you need to develop it; or you can share a project already developed by you; or you can just join us to help organize the network events, being a facilitator during our workshops and stuff like that – while encouraging other students to do the same!
Check out our website!