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Projects from DESIS Labs
From Home | Hyperlocal beloved innovation
18 students doing joint interventions to their own families during COVID-19 isolation. they asses and transform everyday problems that are common to 3 families. The idea is to focus attention on hyperlocal necessities and find out how low resource solutions are developed. DISCA LabSubmitted by: Edgard David Rincón QuijanoInstitution: Universidad del Norte Country: Colombia...
La gente del Manglar – Orikánika
Orikánika is a composting currency used within the island for the conservation and development of theentire territory. As environmental investment bond we seek to support and raise the necessary resourcesthat will be able to supply all families and inhabitants in the midst of this situation. DISCA LabSubmitted by: Edgard David Rincón QuijanoInstitution: Universidad del NorteCountry: Colombia...
Designmatters | Design Response to COVID 19
Designmatters will be offering 5 studio courses this summer on topics that COVID-19 challenges have brought into the spotlight. Designmatters at ArtcenterSubmitted by: Jennifer MayInstitution: ArtCenterCountry: USA DM-TDS-Summer-2020_04.10.20_v3-Jennie-May...
La Scuola dei Quartieri
A 4-year program for nurturing and incubating social innovation in target neighborhoods of Milano. Promoted by the Municipality, funded by EU PON METRO and managed by a consortium of partners it aims to create projects designed and implemented by citizens, to improve the life of neighborhoods. See the PDF below or download it here. DESIS_LaScuola-Anna-M POLIMI DESIS LabSubmitted by: Anna MeroniInstitution: Politecnico di MilanoCountry: ItalyWebsite:
“Portàporta” is a delivery service that meets the needs of the elderly, such as meals, medicines, etc. It also has as one of its main objectives to support its business partners (eg, restaurants), allowing a continuous economic flow for all the sectors involved. ID+ DESIS LabAuthors: Joana Isabel da Silva FerreiraInstitution: Universidade de AveiroCountry: Portugal...
Restaurant management applet for community member
This service design product is an applet for community restaurant members. Starting with the business difficulties under the epidemic situation, we hope to help small restaurant to complete the transformation of digital management and online business using APP platform we suggested. Aiming at their pain points during this epidemic period, we proposed solution strategy from four aspects: Management Strategy, Marketing Promotion, Obtaining market information and Epidemic prevention. Tsinghua DESIS LabAdvisor: Zhong FangInstitution: Tsinghua UniversityCountry: China...
Caring Communities during the Quarantine
Design research project with 3rd year students of Design to understand caring habits to vulnerable populations (particularly the elderly and infected patients) during the lockdown. The goal is to unveil emerging behaviors that can signal shifts in the way we regard and act on care. DESIS Lab ElisavaSubmitted by: Julia BeniniInstitution: ELISAVACountry: Spain...
Visual guide for COVID-19 Mutual Aid
Mutual Aid groups are providing informal and essential services to vulnerable neighbours. We have created a visual guide to stop the spread of COVID-19 while helping your community. It guides volunteers and neighbours through the process of getting help, shopping and unpacking the delivery. DESIS Lab University of the Arts LondonSubmitted by: Lara SalinasInstitution: University of the Arts LondonCountry: EnglandWebsite: Food_delivery_v2_EN_UK_GENERAL-1-1-Lara-Salinas Download PDF here....
LTC Radio
The wisdom of people living in Long Term Care (LTC) is being overlooked – they’ve lived through wars, through pandemics, and have much to teach us. LTC Radio sets up recording stations in care homes so that people can share their stories safely with their communities and families. The Emily Carr DESIS Lab + The Emily Carr Health Design LabSubmitted by: Lisa Boulton, Louise Saint PierreInstitution: Emily Carr University of Art + DesignCountry: Canada...
Design for Pregnancy Women in Epidemic
Key features and overview• When they hear about the epidemic, they are more nervous than ordinary people;• Decreased resistance during pregnancy;• Worried about her child’s health;• Inconvenient to move and need company. Continue reading on the embedded project below or click here to download PDF. Jiangnan DESIS LabAuthors: Zhan Weiqin, He Lanshan, Xia Xi, Zhu WenboTutor: Qian XiaoboCo-tutors: Xiao Dongjuan, Zhong Fang (Tsinghua University), Zhang Jun (Hunan University)Institution: Jiangnan UniversityCountry: China Desis-Meeting-posters-Jiangnan-University-3-2020-04-22-at-6.13.33-AM...
Projects from partners and Initiatives
Design for Emergency
The Center for Design at Northeastern University (Boston, USA) has launched Design for Emergency, an open design platform to face the Covid-19 emergency through design. Through this project, we are collecting data on the problems, needs, and feelings of people dealing with Covid-19 containment measures, such as home isolation and social distancing. The initiative, launched in March, has soon become global, and it is currently active in USA, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Perú, Italy, UK, Spain, France, South Korea, and Thailand. If you are interested in participating in this research by disseminating the survey in your country, please contact Sara Colombo ( and Paolo Ciuccarelli ( Results of this ongoing analysis are being used to inform the design of new solutions that connect, inform, support, and entertain communities in new ways, both during the emergency, and in the next phases. Such solutions are published on the platform as open seed ideas. Submitted by: Sara ColomboAuthors: Sara Colombo, Paolo CiuccarelliInstitution: Center for Design (CAMD) | Northeastern University, BostonCountry: USA, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Perú, Italy, UK, Spain, France, South Korea, and ThailandMore info: DesignForEmergency_Northeastern-University Download PDF here....
Design out Isolation
It is an initiative proposed by the DESIS Lab of Tsinghua University, together with other five DESIS Labs in China. The projects developed under this category are conducted during this semester’s undergraduate and master courses of service design and system design. The current design concepts proposed by the students include the popularisation of personal protection knowledge, community epidemic prevention platforms, community mutual assistance tool, and volunteer support for vulnerable groups. Community workers, psychologists, restaurant owners, etc. were invited to conduct online interviews and instructions to make up for the missing field research....