
Food Systems and Sustainable City Making


Tsinghua University, Beijing, 29th November 2019

Background 背景

In recent times, new ideas on food and agriculture have emerged. They indicate the necessity to offer everyone quality food, economically accessible and produced at a short distance from the place of consumption. In this spirit they also propose the scenario of a sustainable and resilient city, characterized by a high degree of food independence.

The implementation of these ideas has led to a constellation of different but convergent initiatives. They are based on new agri-food strategies with the re-orientation of agricultural activities around the city with unprecedented interactions between farmers and citizens. Or they can bring to new forms of urban agriculture, using empty spaces in the city or the roofs of buildings. Observing these cases it emerges that the food systems they produce tend to become an integral part of the urban (social and physical) system. Which means that their design and implementation participate to the making of the city as a whole. And vice versa.

The conference Food systems and sustainable city making discusses these ideas and these promising practices, with a focus on the required design capabilities: the implicit design, to be expressed by all the involved actors, and the explicit one, thanks to whichdesign experts bring in the process their specific competences. That is, the culture, tools and methods required to design these new food systems. And, doing so, to contribute to the city making process as a whole.

The Conference is the result of the collaboration between Academy of Arts & Design and FAO China. In this framework different activities have been conducted, including workshops, courses, seminars, exhibitions and a hackathon on food lose and waste (the last one has been launched in autumn and its final round competition will be the announced after the conference).

The Conference is also included in Design for Collaborative Cities (DXCC). This is a design research program driven by DESIS Network, involving several design schools around the world that are operating at the crossroads of city making, social innovation and design.

但是从可持续设计的视角出发,不同设计师的研究与实践要远远超出这些相对传统的“设计”过程。这些创新实践,有的是从现有的 “食物”的分配出发,创造新的服务形式,来满足更多的人的基本需求,如食物银行;有的则指向“人”与“食物”之间的关系,创造多种多样的新型系统,如就地生产、就地消费的社区菜园,按需预定并参与劳动的“社区支持农业”,多个小型生产者共享的“区域品牌”等等。

这次会议是基于清华大学美术学院与联合国粮农组织的战略合作框架下的重要活动。 在这一框架内,迄今为止已经开展了各种活动,包括工作坊、课程、研讨会、展览、创客坊等。
该会议也是“协作城市设计”(DXCC)系列活动之一。 该系列活动是由DESIS Network推动的一项设计研究计划,世界各地多所设计学校参与其中,成为城市营造,社会创新和设计的积极探索者。

Agenda 日程

9h Welcome Speech  开幕致辞

Prof. Yang Bin 杨斌
(Vice President of Tsinghua University 清华大学副校长 )

Dr. Vincent Martin 马文森
(FAO Representative in China and DPR Korea 联合国粮农组织驻华代表 )

9h20 Keynote Speech 主旨发言

Ezio Manzini 埃佐·曼奇尼
(Founder, DESIS Network; Prof., Politecnico di Milano
米兰理工大学教授;DESIS 网络发起人 )

9h50 – 10h10 Group Photo & Coffee Break 合影及茶歇

Section I – Design for Urban Collaborative Food Network

10h10 François Jegou 弗朗索瓦·雅库
(Founder, Strategic Design Scenarios, Bruxelles 比利时战略设计愿景创始人 ) Cities making their food sovereignty: sharing experiences from European URBACT networks of cities

10h40 Kirsten Larsen 克斯滕·拉森
(Researcher, University of Melbourne; Co-founder, Open Food Network 墨尔本大学研究员 开放食物网络联合创始人 )

11h10 Baek Joon Sang 白俊相
(Asso. Prof., Yonsei University 韩国延世大学副教授 )
A sociotechnical approach to the design for collaborative food networks

11h40 Q&A 问答环节

12h-13h30 Lunch Break 午餐

Section II – Collaboration in the Urban Food Network

13h30 Matsushima Seirou 松本靖朗
(Director, Otera Oyatsu Club 日本寺庙零食俱乐部发起人;2018 年日本 Good Design Award 金奖获得者 )
Why now “Otera Oyatsu Club” was awarded good design?

14h10 He Congzhi 贺聪志
(Asso. Prof., College of Humanities and Development Study, China Agriculture University 中国农业大学人文发展学院副教授
以巢状市场联结城乡:理论、实践与思考 )

14h40 Wallapa van Willenswaard 瓦拉帕·凡·威伦斯瓦德
(Co-founder, Innovation Network International 泰国国际创新网络联合创始人) Social Innovation and Food Initiatives in Thailand

15h30 Back Hye Sook 白慧淑
(Urban Agriculture Specialist ,Seoul Agricultural & Fishery Food Corporation 首尔农业渔业食品公司都市农业专员)
Urban Agricultural Model where Urban and Rural Village Coexist _ Urban Rooftop Food Forest Garden

16h10 Yan Ping 严平
(Founder, Yunnan Women association, Kunming 云南主妇圈创始人)

16h40 Q&A 问答环节

Section III – Crossing the boundaries 板块三:跨界对话

17h – 17h45 Round Table: DesignFoodCollaboration

Topic 1:
Why food and agriculture become a design topic?

Topic 2:
How design and innovation is expected for food and agriculture?

Closing Remark 总结陈词

17h45-18h Fu Zhiyong 付志勇
Asso. Prof., Director, Institute of Service Design, AAD, THU