Kick-off Meeting

The world is changing fast. And cities are changing even faster. In this turbulent context the traditional city planning has progressively been paralleled by more flexible processes: city-making projects thanks to which different parts of the cities are conceived and realized, considering both their physical and social dimensions. These projects results, up to now, are highly discussable: the mainstreams ones tend to create increased gentrification, segregation, and commodification of the urban commons.But this one is not the only story. Social innovation teaches us something different: the possibility to move in the opposite direction, towards more resilient and sustainable cities.

The seminar discusses the nature of these city-making projects, the lesson learnt from social innovation in urban spaces and the actual and potential role of design and design schools, focussing on the emerging scenario of Collaborative Cities (see the introductory notes: The making of the collaborative city. Social innovation and design for city making).

Invited discussant presents cases from Barcelona, Shanghai, London, New York and Milan, highlighting three points:

      • Why to consider the proposed case as a city making project
      • Why to look at it as a step towards the Collaborative Cities scenario
      • What has been, or what could be, the role of design.

The seminar is also the kick-off meeting of DESIS Thematic Cluster Collaborative Cities (TCxCC).


17:00 – Welcome
17:05 – Presentation of the TC CC
17:20 – DESIS Labs activities presentations: Milano, London, New York,Shanghai, Barcelona.
17:50 – Presentations of on-line participants
18:00  – Discussion/1: Comments on presentations and on the proposed guidelines.
18:30 – Discussion/2: Discussion on roadmap and foreseen results

Click here to see the post seminar notes

Click here to see the DxCC – Kick-off meeting pdf